Before being added to the product catalog, all the BundleSound contributor entries are meticulously reviewed to ensure quality and functionality. However, certain technical malfunctions may render the product unavailable or unusable, which is deemed sufficient grounds for compensation. As per other cases that may or may not result in a reimbursement, please read our Refund Policy.
The users can’t request a refund on a product that, upon purchase, was successfully downloaded and opened with the user’s software of choice. We do not accept claims that the product is not meeting expectations since the users have a full preview of every item on the website.
Upon purchase, the users are provided with a direct download link for the product. If you run into trouble with the download, contact us immediately. You will be offered a full refund if our support can’t fix the link within 48 hours.
Some of our products require specific software or software extensions to operate. You are responsible for ensuring you have such programs before purchase. If the software and hardware you own can handle the files, but they are still inoperable, or visibly damaged upon opening, contact our support at once. You will be offered a full refund if we can’t provide you with a functional copy of the product within 48 hours. Please note that 48 hours after the purchase, your order will be rendered inactive and ineligible for a refund.